Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recognising service to our Defence Force

The New Zealand Defence Service Medal announced by the Prime Minister this week recognises the commitment of our kiwis to their country in military training and service.

It’s great to be able to officially honour our service people, and for them to have recognition of their service to our country.

The Government places high value on non-operational service. Those service people provide essential support to those who serve in operations, and they are willing to be called upon if required.

The medal recognises non-operational military service in the Defence Force by New Zealanders who have served for more than three years since World War Two, and those who did compulsory military training or national military service.

“About 160,000 people will be eligible for the medal, which delivers on a campaign commitment that National made to recognise the New Zealanders who have stood ready to put their lives on the line for our country. The RSA has proposed a defence service medal for many years, and National has supported this idea.

“Many people have not been entitled to medallic recognition to date. Now, their loyalty can be recognised. In cases where an ex-serviceman or woman is deceased, their family can still apply for the medal.”

The initial call for applicants will be for those aged 50 and over, but it will be opened up to all others within a year.

For further information visit:

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