Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wellington Not The Only Show In Town

I notice that Wellington Central MP Grant Robertson has started a petition to the New Zealand Rugby Union requesting that the NZI International Sevens remain in Wellington as it is the best venue to host the event in New Zealand.

Not so fast Mr Robertson – indeed when he stands in front of the mirror saying “Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s got the best stadium of all?” it will only be for another year that the mirror replies “Wellington”.

The Forsyth Barr Stadium at the University Plaza in Dunedin, once completed, will be without doubt the most impressive stadium in the county.

Wellington will probably continue to be the sevens venue for the foreseeable future, but it should not consider itself to have a mortgage over the Sevens for all time. It certainly isn’t the show in town and Dunedin will be well positioned to be the venue for the NZI Sevens in future years.


  1. Maybe the event could even be shared between cities? Why does it always need to be in the same place!

  2. Possible but unlikely Hairy. It a competitive tendering process for the hosting rights and can't see Wellington being that generous. I have heard a rumour that NZ might get two tournaments a year in future years. Double the reason for advancing Dunedin's case.
